Christmas Day-2
Well this is Christmas Day still, and this is the continuation of what has managed to happen and my thoughts. As you already know and are aware my day has been rather calm and fairly quiet with nothing more then some coffee and a hand full of phone calls around the planet and some thinking.
I have now expanded to green tea. As you will learn, I drink lots of it (tea that is) and sometimes go to extreme lengths to get my hands on decent tea.
My best friend/brother, just arrived back from a short Christmas trip to Seattle and Vancouver, with his other half. He brought me back some tea from some shop who's name seems to elude me. I have yet to try some, I'm sure I will have some in the next few days and see if it's as good as he claims (yes, he claimed it very good and sent me a text from the shop (lucky bastard....he gets decent tea in a beautiful city and me stuck in Salt Lake). Actually it is not as bad as I make it out to be. Though it has its moments, there are some good things about it. So long as you have family around, you can manage. And I have amazing adopted family that makes my days seem less stressed out. But I mention that it isn't as bad as people make it be because I was driving the other day (in his car), and I was struck with a though (a rare one for me) that this city is beautiful; by myself, listening to music and noticed that their isn't a soul around me, the mountains are totally capped with beautiful white snow. The sky was so clear that you could see over into the adjoining counties and as I was driving a beautiful plane was on final approach into the airport. I had to smile, because of where I was going, where I had been, and where I am. These thoughts rarely enter my mind, probably because I'm normally surrounded by people constantly. Just the constant noise of society, and the constant demands of my time from my office. I rarely notice and sit back to see the beauty of what is around me. I think I should prioritise myself a little more to take a few moments and notice that in all the chaos of my surroundings that there is beauty. That their is a sense of joy, and that there are people around who truly do matter to me, and who really care about my being.
I actually reflect to that moment because earlier today as I put the first entry into this place I was feeling a bit blue and a bit angry, and annoyed with society and my circumstances. Though, as I was watching the clock to make sure I had enough time to run to the airport to collect the Christmas entourage. I had to sit and think why am I bitching. I have so much more to bitch about then this. And so much more to work on then myself interests (though yes, people should not neglect what they need, but should adapt how to help others to help oneself out (if that makes any sense)).
Tomorrow should be interesting as I have to deal with family that evening, after I have to deal with my office (you will hear loads about that in many more entries to come).
Anyway, Merry Christmas to you All!
And one must not forget.... Happy Hanukkah
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